Many people including myself focus on our thoughts. We believe that our thoughts help with our goals and aspirations. This may seem logical except we all ignore the bad thoughts. We get into a pattern where we focus and say I will concur the world. The next day our thoughts say. It’s ok stay on the couch and watch tv.
It doesn’t matter who we are Jim, Bobby Orr, Col.Chris Hatfield or one of my hero’s Muhammad Ali. We all get and have negative thought’s. This is normal, this is expected. Our mind is a crazy intricate piece of machinery. It is beyond our ability to understand
But how we grow and get to where we want is not in our mind. It is a back and forth between positive and negative. This will never change.
The way we move forward to our goals is through action. Action every day will get us to that goal. In my case I am focused on getting my black belt. Believe me I have the positive/negative struggle in my mind every day and sometimes many times a day
What I have learned with my reading and studying is my mind will lie to me. My actions won’t.
I can get up in the morning with the negative thoughts or the positive thoughts neither will make a difference in the day as long as I have action.
If I do 10 pushups I win and if do 200 push-ups I really win.
Action wins very day
“My mind will lie, my actions won’t” - excellent statement!